The volume contains part of Euler's treatises on perturbation theory. It is the second of three volumes devoted to this subject. The subject of the investigations is the description of the movement of a celestial body around a central star, taking into account the gravitational forces acting on it from other celestial bodies. The gravitational effect of Venus on the earth's orbit is mentioned as an example.
Of great practical importance, especially for navigation at sea, was the study of the influence of the sun on the moon's movement. Euler dealt with this topic throughout his life.
Full IssueReferences
Zitiervorschlag: Andreas Verdun (ed.), Leonhardi Euleri: Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam per- turbationum pertinentes, volumen tertium, Publ. Bernoulli-Euler-Zent., vol. 7, Bernoulli- Euler-Gesellschaft, Basel, 2022, DOI: 10.12685/publbez.7.2022; Opera Omnia II27, Online-Edition.

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